

my rich life (vacation experiment ✈️)

Hey Reader 👋🏻,

This summer I got to experience a little of my “rich life”.

This email I want to share with you 3 things:

  • experiment into intentional living (& my rich life)
  • challenge starting September 15th
  • personal recommendations

If you don’t know about this “rich life” idea, it’s from author Ramit Sethi (great book). He talks about the idea of spending lavishly on areas you love — and cutting back on areas you don’t.

It’s why you won’t find me buying designer bags, shoes, or a flashy sports car. Yet you will catch me buying an expensive espresso machine (that I enjoy using daily) or this holiday experience I’m about to share more with you:

First some background: This holiday idea started last year after my annual trip back home to Ireland to visit family. When that trip was over we left more tired than when we arrived. Between visiting friends & family we stayed at 5-6 different spots over only two weeks — with a 5-month-old baby!

What’s more, while it’s great to catch up with people, it’s hard to get deep quality time when we’re in 'vacation mode' and they are doing 'normal' life.

That’s why this year I switched it up.

Goal: Rent a house in a cool location that we can invite people to vacation with us. This way we’d stay in one place, and be able to relax while also seeing our European family and friends and deepening our connection.

Rules for finding a rental:

  • Has a pool
  • 5 - 6 bedrooms
  • Within 1 hour of the airport
  • Big enough space to not feel cramped w/ 10+ people
  • Walkable to restaurants, food, and things to do (so car rental isn’t necessary for all guests)

We ended up in Frigiliana, Spain — a small coastal town 45 minutes from Malaga airport. It was beautiful and felt a bit like Tuscany, Italy inus the pricetag. If you follow me on IG you probably saw a lot on my stories.

Throughout the nearly 3 weeks we were there we had 18 guests stay with us! It was like musical chairs as people arrived, some left and more arrived.

We covered the cost of the Airbnb while guests all chipped in on buying groceries, cooking, and cleaning. It was a hybrid of ages, from mine and Emily's parents, to family friends, to old friends from NYC who now lived in Belgium. My best friend from the US also joined for a week with his girlfriend.

We enjoyed late dinners, and long walks and often played cards or board games to end our evenings. I realized as we were leaving that in the 3 weeks, we didn’t watch TV even once.

We all got a holiday-like experience while being able to get quality time together. I can also make a mean Aperol Spritz now. Goal achieved ✅

Sharing this in case it gives you any ideas for your own rich life Reader !

We flew out of Barcelona and got to hang out with our friend Noah the night before we left. Don't be fooled by this photo tho, this toddler barely sat still the entire meal 💀

🔔 100 Days of Doing

I always work best when I set myself a challenge and create some accountability around it (like I did with #75 hard earlier this year). That's why I'm creating my own challenge called 100 Days of Doing.

September 15th I’m going to be starting a 100-Day Challenge — the goal being to do something every day that you want to get better at. One thing only ☝🏻

It could be writing, creating videos, working out, playing piano, coding blogging, or whatever you want. You choose the thing and you do it every day for at least 30 mins, for 100 days.

That’s 50 hours of deliberate practice in one area.

Start: Sept 15th ➡️ End: December 24th

That means your gift to yourself this Christmas is 100 Days of doing the thing that could potentially change your life Reader.

Some inspiration from Hormozi:

If you’re interested in joining me, just respond to this email with what you’d be working on (and I’ll share what I’ll be doing 😉). If I get enough people interested I'll set up some real accountability.


🧩 Board Games: Our friends brought these 2 games with them to Spain and they were so fun that I just ordered them to have in Austin:Really Loud Librarians and Poetry for Neanderthals.

🛠️ Random purchase under $100: Returned home from Spain to a cartoonishly flat tire (slow leak) and this Cordless Tire Inflator Air Compressor saved me from needing to hire a tow truck.

⚡️ Lifehack: If you're booking airbnb, use this site to do it so you can earn Delta miles on your booking. Costs the same!

📖 Book: Conversations on Love. Only started this 2 days ago and it's incredible. A short passage I liked from the intro:

We don't learn about love at school, we don't research it, or take a test in it, or review it once a year. We're encouraged to learn about economics and grammar and geography, but not to know about love. It seems strange to me, how we can expect so much from love, and yet devote so little time to understanding it. Like wanting to dive into the sea but having no interest in learning how to swim.

Have a great day!

- Cathryn

P.S. Remember, if you want to join me for the #100daysofdoing just reply to this email and let me know.

P.P.S. Otherwise, watch my friends break into my cold plunge while I was in Spain

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5:22 PM • Aug 6, 2023


💰 Sold over $45 million DTC 👉🏻 Topics: Business, Personal growth, Money & Life Tips ⚡️ Bootstrapped founder of @bestselfco (acquired 2022)

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